I Should Write a Book
© 2009 – 2024 Magick Happens
You want to know from whence this website cometh and why/what it contains.
Magically: I spent 10 years as an amateur, 30 years as an enthusiast, and since 1998 as a paid “professional” magician.
After enjoying over 60 years as “inside magic consumer” I/we decided to give back, open our minds, and encourage magic development by jotting down thoughts, research, sources, and biases.
For-another-time story is the childhood development years and adolescent experiences as a “heathen” in bucolic Mormon Utah during the boom after WWII into the Vietnam War. There was unfocused interest from a 10 year old to the college student wondering about learning performance magic.
My first real working career was a fantastic fantasy period combining five years public radio & TV, five years commercial radio, three years free-lance multimedia installations, and always voice work. One of my projects for the National Parks Service ran for 15 years at the Seattle Science Center. Yes, I quit just before becoming a “rock jock” in the Seattle market. And realizing I didn’t want to move “east of the mountains”, withdrew my name from final consideration at WGBH-TV (Boston) and NPR (Washington DC).
A love of physics and mathematics without the required dedication coupled to an aptitude for communicating knowledge morphed into a BS in Speech (minors in both Physics and Mathematics) with equivalent MS in Communication (minor in Mathematics). BS from a “Cow College” seems appropriate. Of course, had to achieve the educational pedantry required for teaching (just in case).
Second official career was a very long, rewarding, and constantly adapting fantasy period changing public libraries’ foundational philosophy and practices concerning expressions and ideas outside of books. Sprinkled along the way was a MLibr with minors in Business and Public Management, guest lecturing, teaching, producing videos, building outstanding film and video collections, mentoring future librarians, upsetting traditionalists, et cetera. Spent a lot of time fighting censorship of non-traditional ideas and formats (“You don’t want children and young adults having access to those sort of images, do you?” That’s up to their parents to decide, not the public institution.) A three year commitment to the third largest circulating Public Library System extended into almost 30 years with local, state, regional, and national involvement and recognition. “Librarian Emeritus” is a lofty title on a business card.
When the day-job allowed there were periods of enjoyably intense activity centered around the “old” Seattle Magic Ring Inc. (every office including President twice) until SMR Inc withered away.
Then helped create Lynnwood Magic Ring with funds from SMR Inc (established lectures & library) and assisted it becoming Northwest Ring of Fire (IBM # 339). Secretary, VP, and President of NWRF among other support.
Just before the turn of the last century was able to retire from day-job after almost 30 years and follow dream of professional performance magic without worrying about mortgage and basic needs.
After intense soul-searching and explorations of “what if”, realized I need collaboration with others in a “theatrical milieu” and focused on being an almost-poor-starving artistic performer. Used previous skills to build a small sized performing business in a specialized market because solo performing in just any setting like other magicians would not feed the soul.
Transformed Goodhand’s Royal Magic into (Zinger’s) Royal Magick Troupe. It became premier traveling stage magic show for Western US Renaissance Faires.
Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Alaska. (Guested at Kansas City Renaissance Faire)
Mothballed the troupe after 20 years on the road (they are awaiting a Prince’s kiss to awaken them), and decided to write book about experiences, philosophy, theater/character, and approach to magic using routines and shows of Royal Magick.
Presently searching for performing persona adapting to modern age with reflections from previous eras of magic history. What would a surviving Natural Philospher do and think in the 21st century. Of course, continuing to play with Gypsy Realm Productions and WytchWood Players at renfaires.
Consulting, coaching, teaching, guest lecturing, mentoring, and opinion-ating.
The Old English “magick” connects us to thoughts of where modern magic originated, especially in the audience’s mind. Examining Sanskrit roots of “muni” (sage, seer, saint, et cetera), “mAYa or mAyAkAra” (literally magic and magician), and “mumukShutra” (desire of achieve enlightenment) connects us to the essence of performance magic. “Happens” reminds us that we don’t actually do miracles but are required to make something like that happen.
Magick Happens is an umbrella organization for magic performance and thought. It is based on the benefits of collaboration and “we” fits better than “I”; there are too many magical egos who forget the shoulders upon which they stand, the minds they have plundered, and the supporters who contribute to their existence.
Fundamentally, we approach magic from a themed entertainment focus: magic is an act, the act has a theme, the performers are characters, and there is an implied contract to provide “entertainment”.
There are many voices in my “community of the mind” and it also feels easier to use “we” to let them all out; sometimes I’ll slip and use an “I” — pedantic, over educated, opinionated, “old fart”, et cetera known as Ralph Huntzinger.
Ralph Huntzinger performs as himself only for magicians , in public there is a character upon whom “magic happens”. Zinger the Magick & Zanger (his twin brother), ‘Al-Kmy, Great Uncle Ralph, Professor Ardnos Hyde, and others. Ralph Huntzinger does talk, lecture, and speak as Ralph Huntzinger.
The creative team who comes up with ideas and then finds others to get them done. Often previous “sleeping” troupe members are recruited.
Chief Something
Character,design, ideas Genius -- "not a KT"! (KT9 nein)
Exercise consultant/trainer
Movement & Stretching consultant/trainer
Starting in 1998 and continuing to 2020 we had team members come and go — some with us for almost a decade. Perhaps we’ll be able to annotate some of their accomplishments.
Doctor Goodhands of the original "Goodhands' Royal Magic"
richarde, the apprentice
Casina Silverwind merchant, House of Silverwinds
Serena, Mistress of Fire
The orginal KT -- (richarde's apprentice)
KT 3 (Twa)
KT 7
KT 5
KT 8
KT 6
BOOM pirate
KT 10
KT 2
The "Cook"
KT 12
KT 11 (Puss & Boots)
Sir Gustov
photo & videographer
long-time guest performers, AK Alchemist Guild
continual musical guest (KT4)
guest kitten herder
Brutes, URFFF crew & cast
Cast & Crew
cooks & brutes
Gourmet Cook (actually)
Gypsy Magic
street busker
The troupe has always borrowed ideas and concepts which helped it transform. Some we never met, some who are no longer here, and many who are in allied arts. Their influence and assistance is constantly sought and remembered.
Magic & Mystery School
Harley Quinn
Master Payne
Gem Magic
Greenwood Players
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I Should Write a Book
© 2009 – 2024 Magick Happens